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Selling a House with Termite Damage
December 4, 2021

Selling a House with Termite Damage

subterranean termites
If you are in the market for a house but have to sell your current home first because it has termite damage, don't worry. It's not uncommon. Here are some tips on how to go about selling your home with termite damage so that it can be moved off of the market quickly and efficiently. 

This article is also for those who think they have found a house that meets their requirements, but upon further inspection discover that the home has termite damage.

What Is Termite Damage?

Termite infestation or termite damage is the presence of wood-destroying insects that eat away the structural integrity of a piece of wooden furniture or building. There are many different types of termites, including powderpost and dry wood termites.

Many people quickly see signs of termite infestations once a house is on the market for sale because these insects can create a musty odor and lots of damage quickly, especially in the walls.

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Why Does Selling a House with Termite Damage Make it Harder to Sell?

Because termites eat wood, the structural integrity of many houses is compromised because of termite damage. This means that there are safety concerns when selling a home with termite damage.

If you want to move out quickly and sell your house with termite damage, you should keep in mind how much work will need to go into getting rid of these pests before prospective buyers will want to take a look.

Don't panic if you find that your house has termite damage, but keep in mind it will take some time and money to get rid of the infestation before the house is marketable again. A termite inspection should be done so that the extent of the damage can be assessed, and it should be done quickly.

pest control company

How common is termite damage?

Termite damage is more common than most people think. About $30 billion is lost every year in unanticipated repair costs because of termites.

Termite damage can cost approximately $1,000 to $2,500 per average home. Some houses with special features like fine wood paneling, beams, and very old pieces of furniture can cost up to $5,000.

A full-fledged termite inspection should be done once you find that your house has termite damage. You will want to do this as quickly as possible so that the extent of the damage can be assessed most accurately.

There are limited things you can do to make your house more marketable if it has termite damage. If the infestation is limited to one room and you have time to wait, there are ways of removing the affected wood and replacing it with new pieces. If wood paneling, beams, or any other fine wood structures inside the home must be replaced, only a licensed contractor should be hired to do the work.

If you have a termite warranty, ask your warranty provider for a proposal on repairing the damage the insects have done to your house. You will also want to get information from other companies that can provide you with possible ways of getting rid of termites, especially if many rooms in the house require extensive work beyond replacing wood and drywall.

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Do you have to disclose termites when selling a house?

When you sell your house with termite damage, make sure to disclose the existence of any termite damage.

Termites are not considered a major structural defect (like if there is extensive water damage caused by leaks) that must be disclosed when making the sale. However, it should still be mentioned because buyers may ask about it, or an inspector may discover it and report it so that a special inspection can be made.

If you want to move out quickly and sell your house with termite damage, you should make sure to disclose any existing damage to prevent legal problems down the road.

termite treatment

Checklist for Selling Your House with Termite Damage

Now that you know more about the common damage termites can cause and how it affects the house "as is" you want to sell, here is a checklist of what you need to do if your house has termite damage:

1. Disclose the existence of any existing termite damage when making an offer on another house or when listing yours for sale. Invite inspectors to look at the house to assess the damage.

2. Find a local pest control company that can do an inspection and provide you with a proposal for removing the termites from your house before listing it for sale.

3. Think about what needs to be done in order to make your house marketable if it has termite damage, keeping in mind the cost.

4. Recruit the proper help needed to repair any termite damage before putting your house on the market for sale.

5. Contact your insurance company if you have a homeowner's or renter's policy that covers termite damage, especially if you are making an offer on another house at the same time since this may affect your ability to get coverage for the home you want to buy.

future termite infestations

Selling a house with termite history

In addition to disclosing termite damage before selling a house, you should also consider whether or not the property has a history of infestations. It may be tempting to try to hide this information from potential buyers, and cash buyer because it can lower the price they are willing to pay for your home. However, if caught this will result in big legal problems.

The structural damage termite infestation poses is the most significant danger to a house. If there are lots of termites in your home, you cannot sell it until it has been treated, even if you disclose this information when selling a house.

Termite treatments and inspections should be done anytime you sell a house with termite damage because many buyers will fail to make an offer if they find out your home is infested.

Is it illegal to sell a house with termites?

It is not illegal to sell a house with termites, but it is illegal to lie to buyers about the existence of termite damage in order to make a sale.

If you want to sell your house quickly without disclosing that it has termites, you will need to wait until all the existing infestations are gone before putting your home on the market. Once this happens, you should be able to complete your sale.

Termite damage can make it harder to sell a house, but there are ways of getting around the issue if you plan and get help with repairs. If your home has termites in it right now, don't put off the treatment. Get the infestation under control before trying to sell your property or you could end up with some serious legal problems.

formosan termite colonies

Is it hard to sell a house that has had termites?

Selling a house that has had termites can be harder than selling one that hasn't, although the severity of the problems will depend on how much damage has been done.

House buyers generally do not want homes with visible signs of pest damage because it may indicate other structural defects or problems with the foundation. If your home has extensive termite damage, you may end up having trouble making an offer on another property for sale.

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